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Thursday, April 8, 2010

23 Days and counting! Oregon or Bust!

SOOOO this is my last push to the marathon in Eugene, OR. The actual race is May 2nd and I am shooting for a 3 hour and 30 minute marathon time. This is not my first by far.... it's actually my 5th but have never broken 4 hours in the previous races. So as you can imagine this training season has come with a major pace increase. Really off of what my long runs have ended up being this time, I have literally gone from a 9:30 mile to a 7:30 mile. I am hoping to run the first 10 miles of the marathon at a 8:30 pace and then start busting ass. One thing that I always make a top priority in choosing what marathon to run is location. I use this as an excuse for a little vacation more than anything. Ha! I laugh but it is very true. I have been to San Diego, Dallas (white rock), Vermont and Big Sur. So Eugene should not disappoint. Plus this is pretty much the "birthplace of running" as far as I am concerned! Come on.... Prefontaine boys and girls! The race begins right by the University of Oregon Campus and runs through something like 5 state parks.... it is supposed to be fast and FLAT! Which should be golden considering I have been training in Austin; The San Fran of the South... geeze! I am doing this one all by my lonesome and am totally looking forward to it. I needed something like this. This past year my life has taken many turns and gone through many changes. Looking at this as a "finding myself" challenge is what has gotten me through all the wretched long runs that I have endured along the way. Although I am going alone and staying alone while I am in Oregon, I am fortunate enough to have two marvelous friends, Adam and Rebecca, who are willing to up from their new home in Portland and cheer me on. This is very warming due to the fact I have been in that mental state before where you just don't feel as though you can go on.... but just when you think the ocean is swallowing you up, a familiar face on the course or cheering you on breaths new life into you and picks you up out of the water like a life preserver. So how lucky of me that two great people will be there to do just that. This Saturday is becoming some what of a constant anxiety attack for me though..... 21 miles, UGH! Not looking forward to it at all. But alas, I must get it done, and when I do.... believe you me, I will be that much more confident that hitting that 3 and a half hour mark is very possible.... We shall see.
Here's a bit of musica for the day... I absolutely love rocker chick lead singers.

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